Sir Real

“In our heart, we all have our own courageous knight, ever ready to set off on a new quest.”

Gianni Rodari, Don Quixote

Sir Real is a comical character used to play with reality, society, hierarchy and who really is saving the world anyway?

Sir Real, is Pan Ini’s reminder that no Knight in shining armour is coming to save us. After all, he’s probably too busy saving himself.

Sir Real escaped from the patriarchy after discovering the world beyond his armour during lockdown and becoming more in touch with his feelings.

He is following true bravery by following his heart and his greatest quest-ion is “What is working?”

Sir Real is also a reaction to Pan Ini’s interaction with the world when she was experiencing the surreal state of mania and psychosis where she believed she was meant to save the world. She later realised, actually her task was to save herself before anything else.

Pan Ini is currently on the mission to create a full show about Sir Real and his quest, of which she needs help and is currently raising funds to take it in its next sreps. To help, please click the button which says donate.