Her hobby at 10 was to dress as a grandma, walk down the street and say “Bonjour” to the people she meets.

Pan Ini is a multi-disciplinary artist focusing on performance art, music and storytelling to play with culture and philosophy. Her projects aim to seek balance between the entertainer and entertained, the light and the dark, the being and the doing and to use art as a mirror and path for liberation.


Pan Ini studied Drama, Applied Theatre and Education at Central School of speech and drama and has since gone on to live, work and volunteer in various cultures and communities within and beyond the UK varying from refugee camps in Northern France, permaculture and rewilding projects in Devon and Scotland, teaching English in Russia and Austria and walking the South West Coastal path solo with the result of a job in Cornwall living in a shepherds hut.

Her experience and personal curiosities have taken her on to learn and develop in nature connection, clowning, pedagogy, puppeteering, creative and holistic facilitating, play, mindful living, philosophy and narrative.

Pan Ini has had a diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder and has experience of manic and psychotic episodes, resulting in her being sectioned and receiving help. It is not the centre of Pan Ini’s identity but it has influenced her creative journey and how she chooses to question and look upon reality.

“In order to heal the earth, we have to heal ourselves.”

To hear about Pan Ini’s philosophies, please follow the link below labelled “UNIVERSE CITY” which will take you to her YouTube channel.

Pan Ini’s key reading list:

All About Love, bell hooks

Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer

Fear Essential Wisdom for getting through the storm, Thich Nhat Hanh

Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl

Hope in the Dark, Rebecca Solnit

Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire

Daring Greatly, Brene Brown

On Connection, Kae Tempest

Finite and Infinite Games, James P. Carse