Pan Ini practises and plays with feeling, materialising it in comical ways on public display; disrupting the norm with an attempt to find where the light and dark meets in our culture so that it can connect us in a communal way.

The practises here are accessible for anyone to do, they are energy shakers and great conversation starters. By being our fearless, vulnerable selves we free others to do so too, we take the pressure off and set a bar at being open.

This is a quest and an invitation for us to let go of control, fear and doubt and to forge new stories with bravery for the beautiful world we believe in and want to see.

Be “Leaf”

Be leaf is a reminder of our shared connection.

That we are beautiful because of our nature and that the world needs to put love and what we collectively need at the centre of things.

Wearing a leaf on her forehead in public is a practise of being fearless, of allowing herself to be seen and an open invitation for conversation to happen about what we believe in.

What a re-leaf…

“I put myself in a box”

With a pen and any cardboard box from a nearby store, Pan Ini writes “I put myself in a box” and proceeds to sit in it.

Through this, exchanges of smiles, laughs and conversation happen.

Connection arises about shared experiences of mental health and the personal pressures, expectations and ideologies we take on and put on ourselves in this world.

Warning: Fragile, handle with care

Anyone else feeling a bit on the line?

Hang in there

looking fresh

Has anyone lost thier sole?

Simply with the sole of a shoe Pan Ini asks strangers if they have lost their sole.

Exercise your freedom

U B U.

During her manic episodes, during the summer of 2022, Pan Ini’s car became her home. The number plate had “UBU” on it.

Without any private space such as a living room, Pan Ini used U B U as a process to fearlessly be herself publicly, taking ownership of what she needs.

With so much energy, she danced on the streets and forged the question, is “movement” to “move mentality”?

Interactions that happened were quite magical, many saying how refreshing and entertaining it is to see someone being openly free on the streets and others even joining in.

This project has evolved from being “UBU” to “exercising freedom”.

This body is mine, my identity I live as a lifetime,

I can not define, oh come now man, kind.