Workshops are running monthly in Nottingham, Sneinton Market October 2024 - May 2025 every third Monday of the month. Click the button below to find out more.

Contact Pan Ini if you would like a workshop near you one day.

embodied creativity & connection

A release of inhibition and an exploration of joy, fear, awareness and culture

Pan Ini’s workshops are collated and formed from her studies and personal research in applied theatre, clowning, community living. play, somatics, outdoor education, holistic practices, narrative and philosophies.

The workshops explore presence, play, feeling, imagination and connection through activities that invite us to witness each other and ourselves.

When we connect to our truth, we connect to others too.

Using play and humour we find how embracing failure can guide us towards finding inner peace, allowing all of ourselves to gracefully exist.

There is an invitation in the exploration of the workshop to discuss culture and creativity. “Embodied creativity”. Pan Ini believes that culture is something we have rehearsed and learnt but it is also something we can shape, play with and intentionally create and develop together too. It is an art form in of itself. We play roles of “mummy” “teacher” “doctor” etc as children based on what we have seen and experience. We learn to believe in hierarchy and the boundaries set upon us in society and integrate them accordingly,

We all tell a story with our behaviour.

How do we play and rehearse a culture we want to see in the world? Whilst allowing failure, barriers and difficulties to unfold.

How do we let go of a want to control, push past fear, let go of hierarchy and come into harmony?


“I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and would attend more if I had the chance. It allowed me to step into myself, embody my true emotions and express myself in a non judgemental and playful way. Pan Ini was full of mind opening information and gave me different perspectives of the world around me. She conducted herself well, made everyone feel comfortable and created a space for authentic expression and connection. I left the workshop with something which was very profound to me and I am thankful for the experience.” 3ss3ence (artist)

“I loved how we felt bonded with the other participants by the freedom to be silly together and playing games, felt like we went from strangers to friends really quickly. Also loved the elements exercise felt it really connected us to nature.” Rachel

“Helped me connect with nature more and explore my inner creativity by having a different lens to things I may not have perceived that way in the first place.” Amit

“It helped to access different parts of my consciousness which was very grounding and continued to help throughout the week. Also it helped me learn about myself.” Alfie

“I really enjoyed the freedom to explore how I felt and get comfortable with opening myself up to the other people in the group and in my everyday life.” Viv

“A unique and nourishing experience, I'm so glad I came along. :)” Lowenna

“I was really grounded back honouring choice and the individuality of that, I felt really encouraged to listen to my inner child and inner creative person and had the space to accommodate what they were telling me they wanted to do our feel, it was very special.” Lydia

To learn more about Pan Ini’s philosophies, please click the button below labelled “UNIVERSE CITY” which will take you to her YouTube page.